History of the (swim) costume
From wool suits to brokini , we trace the thousand lives of un garment which in years is
status in degree of createre iconic moments in the history of pop culture
Telling the story of the swimming costumes bathing means telling the story of the swimming costume in sense more
wide. Drom bulky suits in wool to the bikini by man, a few garments clothing have
changed so much often, in some cases taking the responsibility to show themselves revolutionaries and
bold respect to the habits of their era . Let's a dive (it's right the case of say it) in the
passages more salient of this story.
The inventions of the ancient Romans
To start the our route we must go back back to to the times of ancient Rome. Here not
we find the men's costumes, but the first towels from swim and a particular type of bikini. Great part
of in City eternal were taking place in fact in the baths (if ne counted over eight hundred)
where, passing between the tubs of various temperatures, si faceva the shower (invented just by the
Romans) and si used of towels in cotton white. Another invention of our ancestors
imperials was the bikini that however not served like today for do the bath but was used by athletes
during the games, as demonstrate the mosaics of Piazza Armerina.

The weight of soaked wool
I first real costumes bath are instead linked to the the Victorian era.. Imagine of immersing yourself in
water wearing a full of wool heavy, maybe of the type that irritates the skin and fa scratching. Good,
nn the nineteenth century, in England, ci si presentava in beach just thus: a complete with i buttons
front, as the pyjamas for children, but with flashy horizontal stripes .
In the same era, in France, si was less modest, at least a judging by how much you can see in the
painting bathers at Asnières by Georges Seurat. There are represented five boys
(probably workers of factories of Clichy, visible in the background ) while take the sun or
essay the temperature of the Seine. I costumes are very modern, at point that the painting seems to
almost depict a group of young our times.
Redford, Di Caprio and Reagan lifeguard
We arrive so to early the twentieth century. Jay Gatsby - hero literary of the 1920s, interpreted
by Robert Redford in the film version of 1974 by The great Gatsby, novel
masterpiece by Francis Scott Fitzgerald - indossa shorts very tight with belt tank top with stripes
with references vittoriani (but this time in cotton). Less reliable seems the reconstruction
carried out in remake of 2013, in whose is Leonardo Di Caprio a dress the shoes of Gatsby: the actor of
Titanic scostume a swimming costume one-piece like those used by swimmer olimpic Johnny Weissmuller at
Olimpiadi summer of Paris 1924. A garment "technical" that no gentleman would wear
at beachesa or in swimming pool. There is instead a photo in which Ronald Reagan shows that outfit first of
do the actor (and of become the 40th President of the United States ) had in fact worked as

Connery, McQueen, Newman: farewell tank top
forty years go by and for the women comes the revolution of the bikini. Per man the things are do more
thin and light thanks to synthetic fibres . The compulsory of the vest, thus definitively falls.
Sean Connery , in 1962, in first chapter of the saga of 007, in addition that of has also
license by show the chest nude. The see squeezed in a pair of shorts from bath light blue
baby meet Ursula Andress who comes out of waters with a bikini white that has made era. I
times, in short, have changed. Lo demonstrate also the photos of Paul Newman e Steve McQueen,
real little mermaids a pastel colours.
The speedo by Magnum P.I.
The years eighties si polarise around a two opposing styles : from a side i trunks wide colours
red-orange worn by Mitch Buchannon aka David Hasselhoff in Baywatch the other the
speedo, i.e. the briefs from bathroom, clothes from another icon of the decade., Tom Selleck in the shoes of
of the investigator private Thomas S. Magnum. Del protagonist del lucky telefilm Magnum P.I.
everyone remembers the Hawaiian shirts, the squabbles with Higgins, the Ferrari 308 GTS and the the
speedo: li wear such as underwear underwear in the case of having to dive into water to chase a
girl or for sescape to a creditor.
The slip from bathroom are commonly called speedo for because of of the brand which more than other has them rendered
celebrated: the Speedo (with the s capital). The name which thecompany gives to that type of costumes, in reality, is
brief. Lhe Speedo ne praises the advantages over the more opaque models: you go from the more
convenience for the swimming (have been introduced for the first time to Olimpiade Mexican of 1968) at
reduced drying times, up to initiatives dedicated to body confidence not is necessary
be models or bodybuilders to wear them.
From the mankini of Borat to the brokini of the more daring
On body confidence Jack Black could hold a course university: to celebrate the new
year the actor has made his appearance on YouTube dressed as Iron Man. the hero's real
Marvel the actor wore only the matching helmet just a one speedo red.
Today, who would like to aimsto a amaze pould bet on mankini maybe choosing the model
green acid worn by Sasha Baron Cohen in Borat - Studio on America a benefit
ofa glorious nation of Kazakhstan (2005), for then forget it in a drawer together the
courage necessary to wear it. The latest frontier of boldness (or of the challenge to good taste?) is
then the brokini. It is a one-shoulder mankini , born in the summer 2020 from an idea by Taylor Field
and Chad Sasko, two boys Canadian who the call him "the boss perfect to disappoint your
parents: saranno forced to ask themselves what they have done wrong'. If the target is this, easy
predict that the will hit easily...