The unforgettable ties of the silver screen
There are dresses that "come out" from the films in whose appear to enter directly
in the collective imagination . Who does not remember, for example, the complete of the Blues Brothers the
sheath dress from Breakfast by Tiffany or the jacket white by Tony Manero? The same happens for
some ties which have become iconic. From we have selected some among the most famous of
The tie is from always symbol of style of power and of elegance, and for this is always been
celebrated at cinema. Some characters have entered the collective imagination also thanks to
this accessory, that has contributed to outline the personality. It is interesting, therefore, accomplish
a excursus between the images most famous linked to that that, more than a simple chief male, can
be defined a small fragment of history of costume.

Hitchcock style
Among the great directors, the most tied to the tie is probably Alfred Hitchcock. Thanks to him, today is
impossible Cary Grant or James Stewart in vesti different from a dress on measure and a
tie perfectly knotted at neck. Ithe master of suspense not concepiva other outfit for i
its protagonistsi upper-middle-class. Even in Frenzy, film from 1972 set in London, terrified
the spectators with the his "necktie stragler"., a serial strangler who killed the victims with the
famous male accessory .
In Knot at the throat (a title that makes just to case ours, not found?)., James Stewart hides a
corpse in a chest and then receives of friends a home. The state of tension of the character,
constantly concerned about coming out of the woodwork, is represented by a gesture which recurs throughout
the duration of the film: the tie.

From Rimini to Chicago
Not less iconic of actors hitchcockian is theperformer felliniano for excellence: Marcello
Mastroianni. Both in La dolce vita sia in 8½ (but also in La night of Michelangelo Antonioni, that
si place temporally between the two films of the legendary filmmaker romagnolo), Mastroianni sports
the identical look: suit and tie dark to plain and shirt white. A outfit by great
elegance, which however him not hesitate to ruin, bathing him in the waters of the Fountain of Trevi, when
Anita Ekberg pronounces her famous and irresistible invitation "Marcello, come here!".
Fa a jump of a couple of decades and let's stop to 1980, when The Blues Brothers writes a
another unmissable chapter in the story of ties on the big screen. Lhe couple
Belushi-Aykroyd with abiti, ties, Ray-Ban and Borsalino all strictly blacks, is an image
now eternal, impossible by remove from the Olympus of myths of celluloid. And not only from those:
we remember in fact that the Blues Brothers, before still of turn the film that them made immortal, you
performed with success on the television programme Saturday Night Live as well as from live in
musical tours, as still do today, a distance of forty years, the surviving musicians .
Black for always
If the Blues Brothers are passati from television to cinema, in a certain sense you can say that
hyenas have completed a path in reverse. In this case, however, not there is a direct link between the
first film directed by Quentin Tarantino in 1992 (title original: Reservoir dogs) and the
broadcast television Italian in broadcast from 1997. It is however true that, both in the film and in the show by
Italy One, the protagonists wear suits, ties and glasses blacks, so as is true that in both the
cases the canon of reference aesthetic are just the Blues Brothers.
The look all black comes up to the days our - tinged more and more black - thanks to Keanu Reeves. In the saga of John Wick in fact, the actor often combines a suit and tie blacks a shirt
equally dark, instead of the more traditional colour white. Del rest, the Canadian actor us had
accustomed to outfits "tenebrous" fin from first Matrix (in that case, however, without tie). And pensare that
that film, which has so much influenced the culture at the dawning of the of the new millennium, was filmedo with a
budget of just 63 million of dollars, the most spent for the famous "bullet time"., the ralenti
of of which not us we are still still tired. With resources so limitede, the department costumes had to
dress the cast with fabrics synthetics from 3 dollars at meter!

Return to colour
But the tie not is always been so sober at cinema: the series Kingsman set in the world
of the British Secret Service and freely inspired by James Bond, takes to the extreme the famous mise
by Sean Connery in 007: A cascade of diamonds (1971). No more chapter of the famous saga
dared how that, the last played by the Scottish actor . Remembering that mise, not us si
amazes in see Taron Egerton wear in Kingsman: The golden circle a full from evening with
the jacket orange.
But nn essun matching chromatic daring of the series created by Matthew Vaughn can fade the
I remember of Sean Connery in suit pink and cream, at the time very more extreme of a jacket
orange in 2017. Ties so colourful had been worn only by Jack Nicholson in
Chinatown by Roman Polanski. In that film, the garish colours accentuated by Technicolor make
every shot a tribute to the golden age of of Hollywood.
Very colourful is also the fashion of the Terzo Millennium imagined by a film of cult of years
Eighty. Ce lo demonstrates Doc Brown, the legendary scientist of the trilogy of to the future .
At end of first film comes out from the Delorean updated with a system power supply a
rubbish wearing a yellow suit with shirt patterned red and... a tie of plastic